The Factory takes various measures to ensure their products are produced with Environmental impact in mind. For comprehensive information on this, please refer to this link -

Due to technological advancement, the thickness of this collection has been reduced to 9 mm, while maintaining the excellent mechanical performance and durability of a 10mm product. The aim is to reduce environmental impact by optimising the consumption of the raw materials, electrical and thermal energy used for production and increasing the load capacity for transport (by about 10% compared to the 10mm thickness).

The Nostalgia Collection meets the requirements of ISO 17889-1, which establishes sustainability criteria for ceramic surfaces with the aim of providing design professionals, contractors and consumers with a verifiable and internationally valid standard for identifying product sustainability according to economic, environmental and social sustainability criteria. This is achieved by the factory complying with a series of actions and measures throughout the product life cycle including but not limited to;

See this link for more comprehensive information on this topic -